
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Reading at Home

Most of you have booked some readers from the list I gave you in our school library, some others don't have any book with you, so have a look to GaliciaLe in our library blog to see how to get books, films and magazines, here you can see the list of books in English to read on ebook.
Perhaps it could be a good idea for you to read in this period, it doesn't matter the language, read, enjoy and live through its pages.

Oscar Wilde said: "With freedom, books, flowers and the moon who could not be happy?"
Virginia Woolf said: "Books are the mirrors of the soul"
Victor Hugo said: "A writer is a world trapped in a person"

Monday, 30 March 2020

Congo: The Pygmies of Boyanga

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 2ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Friday, 27 March 2020

This is what happens when you reply to spam email

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code BLS 2BAC on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Thursday, 26 March 2020

London Travel Guide

Remember my code Begonals 4ESO

Monday, 23 March 2020

The Afgan Girl

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 2ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Friday, 20 March 2020

3 Ways to Deal With Stress

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code BLS 2BAC on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Thursday, 19 March 2020

How To Cook A Perfect Risotto

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 4ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

2nd BAC Phonetics Tasks

click on the image to access

As all of us know, we have to stay at home but we cannot stop working and learning.
As I told you in class last week, I'll leave you some tasks to do, apart from those I handed you on Thursday.
In this web you can find a lot of practice on phonetics I need you to do, like this image below, so enter the web by clicking on the first one and look for the exercises in this list, they are made using hot potatoes, and as you can get the answer inmediately, you'll find them quite easy and funny:

Students 4th ESO: Tasks

Durante este periodo en el que no nos encontraremos en el centro, recordad que tendréis los vídeos los jueves como siempre, además de las fichas de repaso que dejé el jueves y que enlazo aquí para los que no vinísteis ese día.
Resources unit 3unit 4, unit 5

Por otro lado la editorial de vuestro libro de texto pone a vuestra disposición la aplicación de Oxford Online Learning Zone sin necesidad de registro como hacíamos los años anteriores, la plataforma a cambiado debido a los problemas de desaparición de Flash, como sabéis pero no obstante tiene una batería de ejercicios útiles para vosotros, autocorregibles para que tengáis las respuestas inmediatamente y los audios del libro de texto de los que hablaremos más adelante, si esta situación se prorroga.
Resumiendo, además de las fichas que os entregué, quiero que entréis en la web Oxford Online Learning Zone...

...seleccionéis vuestro nivel, Secondary Level 4 y hagáis los ejercicios que os listo a continuación para estas dos semanas.

  • Grammar: Desde Question 1 hasta Hypothesizing (son ejercicios muy cortos, no es para tanto)
  • Dialogues: Sirven para leer al mismo tiempo que escucháis, simplemente para mejorar pronunciación, son más simples que los vídeos de los jueves.
  • Vocabulary: Los 5 primeros epígrafes, desde Words that go together 1 hasta Antonyms
Importante: Enviadme un correo ( conforme habéis entendido las instrucciones, así tendré vuestra dirección para futuras comunicaciones. Además recordad que tenemos una redacción pendiente (había 2 propuestas, una la de la imagen del libro) que debéis entregar antes del 27 de marzo. Enviádmela al correo.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Discover the Peanuts Gang

Peanuts is a comic strip written and illustrated by Charles M. Schulz that ran from 1950 to 2000, continuing in reruns afterward.
Peanuts focuses entirely on a social circle of young children, where adults exist but are rarely seen or heard. The main character, Charlie Brown, is meek, nervous, and lacks self-confidence. He is unable to fly a kite, win a baseball game, or kick a football held by his irascible friend Lucy, who always pulls it away at the last instant.

Enjoy its characters and read the strips daily.

Click on the image to enter the web and read the strips

Students 2nd ESO: Tasks

Durante el periodo que dure la interrupción de las clases os voy a ir facilitando una serie de materiales para no perder el aprendizaje.
Como les expliqué a los alumnos que vinieron el viernes, seguiré colgando los vídeos los lunes y otros materiales con el título de este post.
Ahora los enlazo las fichas de repaso que les dí en papel, las imprimís y pegáis en la libreta:
Resources unit 3,   unit 4,   unit 5

Además la editorial del libro de texto Oxford University Press nos ha dejado en abierto la plataforma de repaso  Oxford Online Learning Zone (OOLZ)

Si picáis el enlace y accedéis a vuestro nivel:

Aquí deberíais abrir los siguientes apartados y hacer los ejercicios que os señalo, todos son autocorregibles así que sabréis si lo hacéis bien en el momento:
  • Grammar: Present simple 1, Present simple 2, Adverbs, What, which and who, Question words, Present Continuous, Present Simple or Continuous, Past Simple, Expressions of quantity, Past Simple or Continuous 1 and Past Continuous 2
  • Vocabulary: Numbers 1, Numbers 2, Adjectives, Places and things, Opposite verbs
  • Dialogues: Hacer práctica de lectura de los diálogos a medida que los escucháis para mejorar la pronunciación

Si tenéis alguna duda enviádmela a mi correo (, incluso os rogaría que me enviáseis un mail confirmándome que habéis descargado los documentos de repaso o simplemente para que pueda comunicaros cualquier otra actividad por mail individualmente

Ánimo y trabajad un poquito cada día.

The Hunger Games

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 2ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Friday, 13 March 2020

How Traditional French Camembert Is Made

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code BLS 2BAC on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Conditionals, Revision

For these days at home, remember to revise grammar here after watching the video:

Monday, 9 March 2020

Which Animals Live in the Rainforest?

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 2ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Friday, 6 March 2020

Why Finland has the Best Education System in the World

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code BLS 2BAC on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Get the Facts on Coronavirus

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 4ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again. 

Monday, 2 March 2020

Thursday Appointment

To see the video, first click on the image below:

Then select the class code Begonals 2ESO on the left upper corner

Click on selected video and continue as always, selecting the correct answers, and
including my code again.