
Thursday, 16 June 2022

Trinity Exams

Tal e como comentabamos hoxe, xa saíu a convocatoria de probas de certificación da Xunta polo que achegamos a información das probas Trinity tal e como as tivemos o curso pasado.

Tedes de prazo un mes desde a publicación da convocatoria que saíu hoxe 16 de xuño, é dicir, ata o vindeiro 16 de xullo, pero esperamos tervos inscritos antes do 10 de xullo.

Modelos de exames e guías ISE I (B1), ISE II (B2) e ISE III (C1)

Monday, 6 June 2022

Tasks for Summer: Reading


If you want to keep in mind with your English, try the Open Library by clicking on the next image. Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.

Browse by subject, topic.... you can find here series such as Harry Potter, Wonder, Lord of the Ring, Jurassic Park, Roald Dahl's stories...books for kids such as Artemis Fowl, Everfound,  Diario de Greg (as it is named in Spanish), Secret Seven,  I'll give you the sun,... or funny stories such as My mama says there aren't any zombies, ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things, and much more to discover, log in and enjoy reading.

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Tasks for Summer: reading and Listening


Here you can find more tools to listen and read in English, look them up at the Skills right column:

Elllo, Lit2Go, Real English, BBC Watch and Listen, ICHDL (International Children's Digital Library), Summer Reading Challege...

Why not?

Friday, 3 June 2022

Summer Reading Challenge


Login in the Summer Reading Challenge and enjoy some of the best books around.

The Summer Reading Challenge and Winter Mini Challenge website helps you keep track of your reading all year round. Find new book recommendations, take part in mini challenges, play games and more!