
Thursday 8 November 2007

Doubts When Using Articles? III

The "Zero" Article
There are a lot of rules about when we don't use articles. Here are four of them:
We don't use an article:
1. to talk about plural and uncountable nouns or when talking about things in general:
I'm terrified of heights
I'm into drum and base.
I hate cheese.
2. before countries, towns, streets, languages and single mountains:
I'm from China.
I've climbed Mount Everest.
She speaks French.
3. Before some places and with some forms of transport:
I live at home with my parents.
I came here by car.
He goes to work by bus.
4. In exclamations with what + uncountable noun:
What beautiful weather!
What loud music!
What disgusting food!

Listen to Anastasiya programme to spot correct and incorrect uses of 'zero' articles.

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