
Monday 23 June 2008

Bond is Back

Fans of James Bond have been thrilled with the release of the new Bond book Devil May Care, which was published on 28th May 2008. Ian Fleming was the creator of the fictional character James Bond 007 and wrote 14 Bond books during his lifetime, including some of the very well-known ones, such as Casino Royale, Diamonds are Forever and Goldfinger...

If you want to go on listening about this secret agent click below before reading the BBC tapescrip and, if you are interested enough, continue with some practice crosswords and other exercises...

Play the game "Are you a super-spy like James Bond?" and learn more about this fictional character:

Science of James Bond (Martini and girls, shaken not stirred...)
Life at the fast lane
007's gadgets
Villains' master plans
Villains' gadgets

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