
Monday 21 July 2008

The Simpsons Movie

On 18th March you could guess which Simpsons character you are and now we can listen to two reviews of The Simpsons Movie as America's most famous cartoon family step up from TV to the big screen for the first time.
BBC critics agree that it's a very funny film, and we listen to plenty of positive language as well as some useful informal expressions.

Vocabulary from the programme

a dysfunctional family = a family that doesn't function properly, on an epic scale = large, stunning = outstandingly good, dazzling = spectacular,
I don't have a problem with ... = an informal expression meaning you don't mind something, you're indifferent to it, trivial = lacking seriousness or importance, surreal = unreal, strange, bizarre, to reach rock bottom = (informal)to be 'at a low point' or a difficult moment in life, to be bang on = (informal) to fit or match something exactly, archetypal = typical

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