
Saturday, 27 September 2008

Speaking like a Native

When we start to learn a new language, we are usually obsessed with the pronunciaton and the accent. We feel ridiculous trying to say some words in a proper way, and sometimes that prevent us from learning more.
Penny Dyer has worked with many famous actors such as Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett and Helen Mirren, helping them to catch the most suitable accent for each role.
Now is your chance to hear her tips for speaking English in an accent that may be new for you! Join in a lesson to learn how to speak English like someone from the USA or from Yorkshire, in the north of England.

Vocabulary from the programme
an accent
a way of saying words that shows what country, region or social class someone comes from
abbreviation of Received Pronunciation
RP is a way of speaking British English that is considered to be the standard pronunciation in the UK
to coach
to teach someone a special skill
the study of the features of a particular place, especially the natural features, like hills and rivers
vowel sounds
the sounds you make without closing your mouth or throat
a resonant sound is deep and clear and continues for a long time

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