
Saturday, 4 October 2008

How to Hand in Essays Properly

After your first essays last week I think you should take into account these instructions:

1.- Use black or blue ink, never use pencils.

2.- Don't write between lines; your ideas need more room to surprise your teacher.

3.- Clear handwriting; your mark depends on your teacher's ability to read and understand your text (no cap letters nor even a mixture: you know about it)

4.- Use margins; your time at primary school finished a long time ago. Please, use wide margins so that your teacher can leave helpful comments and suggestions.

5.- Be serious: fifteen-minute-essays are not enough for 2nd BAC. Use a draft before the final version.

6.- Your dictionary is also your friend: look for new words and synonyms (you know your teacher loves them).

7.- Each essay is a new step to improve your writing, so revise your mistakes to avoid them next time, and ask your teacher about them if you have any doubt.

8.- Your teacher doesn't enjoy nightmares: after so long studying English you mustn't make such terrible mistakes.

9.- Write a list of your Do's and Don't's (things I do well/ things I won't do again).

10.- Read as much as you can: learning is your goal.

Have a look on a selection of your first essays. Find out those mistakes YOU ALL have and enjoy some original ideas.

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