
Tuesday 13 January 2009

Funniest Exam Answers

Do you remember that nasty feeling of sweaty palms?
A wave of nausea coming over you?
The sudden inability to talk your mouth is so dry?
This is the feeling at the door of an exam room...for some students, but others are quite relaxed, I think so, as they give answers like these in history exams.
Have a laugh and tell me which one is the funniest from your point of view.

But before reading try this drag and drop word game about exams.

Exam answer: Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the Organ of the Species. Madman Curie discovered radio. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx brothers.

Explanation: Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the Organ (Origin) of the Species. Madman (Madam) Curie discovered radio (radium). And Karl Marx became one of the Marx brothers (Karl Marx was the co-author of the Communist Manifesto and died in 1883. The Marx brothers were a famous comedy team who made many movies between 1929 and 1949)

More funny answers to exam questions written by history students.

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