
Tuesday 12 February 2013

How to Succeed at an Interview 1

In the future you'll have the chance to showcase your English speaking skills in an oral test… but perhaps feeling a little nervous as well!

See our overview of the exam. Try our tips to help you relax and show the examiner just how well you speak English!

Let’s start by getting a feel for the exam with this video:

1. Introduction and Interview:
lasts about 4-5 minutes and gives the examiner the chance to find out a little about you through some simple 'getting-to-know-you' questions.

2. The Long Turn:
exam you have to speak for between 1 and 2 minutes on a set topic based on information on a card the examiner will give you. You'll be a given a minute to prepare what you want to say - just enough time to jot down some ideas to help give your talk structure and interest.

3. Two-Way Discussion:
lasts between 4-5 minutes, you will participate in a discussion with the examiner based on the topic in Part 2. The examiner is likely to ask you questions based on your experience or opinion of the subject.

(Thanks to IELTS Speaking)

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