
Monday 29 April 2019

London Marathon... we were there

Yesterday morning we watched the VIrgin Money London Marathon where more than 40.000 runners participated and it will break the £1,000,000,000 mark for money raised for charity.
Some of them wore special disguise as this one, do you remember?:
A London Marathon runner dressed as Big Ben got stuck at the finish line after he tried to break a world record.
Lukas Bates, from Maidstone, Kent, tried to get into the Guinness World Records Book for fastest marathon time dressed as a landmark.
The current record stands at three hours, 34 minutes and 34 seconds. Mr Bates finished with a time of three hours and 54 minutes.
The 30-year-old needed help from a race volunteer to complete the marathon.
The top of his Big Ben costume clipped the top of the finish line arch.

Some other stories about London Marathon 2019 and videos to enjoy.

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