Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Couch Potato or Mouse Potato?
What is the difference? Listen to Voice of America and learn filling the gaps in the tapescript of the story.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Polar Bear Cam
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011

The Sketchtravel is a unique international charity art project.
This red sketchbook was passed from one artist's hand to another like an Olympic torch in an artistic relay through 12 countries over 4 and half years.
This traveling museum contains the personal visions of 71 exceptional illustrators, animators and comic book artists, including artists such as Bill Plympton, James Jean, Rebecca Dautremer, Glen Keane, Frederick Back, and Hayao Miyazaki. Initiated by illustrators Dice Tsutsumi (Japan) and Gerald Guerlais (France), the project will culminate in an auction of the original book in Brussels on October 17, 2011. Proceeds from the auction and royalties from the book's publication will be donated to the international literacy non-profit, Room to Read.
But now enjoy with this video!
SketchTravel from Curio on Vimeo.
Friday, 11 November 2011
World Wide Web celebrates 20th birthday

Dan and Alice talk about computers and explain the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.
This week's question:
The first website was set up 20 years ago. How many websites are there in the world today, in August 2011? Is it:
a) 6.5 billion
b) 12.8 billion
c) 19.7 billion
Listen out for the answer at the end of the programme!
For more information BBC News
Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Did you know that UK households produced 30.5 million tonnes of waste in 2003/04, of which 17% was collected for recycling? This figure is still quite low compared to some of our neighbouring EU countries, some recycling over 50% of their waste. There is still a great deal of waste which could be recycled that ends up in landfill sites which is harmful to the environment.

Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment. Did you know that:
• 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.
• 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.
• 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.
• 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.
Go on reading and discover how to care our planet.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
U.S. President's Pets
President Bush's dogs often play on the White House lawn, but did you know that he also has cows and a cat? These animals are part of a long history of U.S. presidential pets—from horses and owls to snakes and elephants.
Past Presidents brought many interesting animals to the White House, Finnegan said. The wife of John Quincy Adams, the sixth President, had silkworms. Herbert Hoover, the 31st President, had an opossum. And Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, had a raccoon named Rebecca who walked on a leash!
Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President, was famous for his many pets. His six kids had snakes, dogs, cats, a badger, birds, guinea pigs, and more... go on reading.
(From Kids National Geography)
And remember our post about Bo,Obama's pet.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Learning with Cartoons

In this OUP page you'll enjoy the fantastic adventures of Bagley and Spacey, these terrible detectives.
Have a nice time!
Monday, 31 October 2011
Halloween History
Halloween isn't just costumes and candy; it's a cultural holiday rich in tradition, learn about it with this video and even you can have the subtitles on the cc button.
But How much do you know about it?
Try this quiz and find out!

Sunday, 30 October 2011
Hidden Spirits: Paranormal Investigation Halloween Game

The Royal Mangnall Hotel was built in 1889 on a half-acre plot that had originally been the site of a Civil War era jail. The architect of the Royal Mangnall had envisioned a grand establishement for the wealthy and fashionable, complete with imported marble and electrical lighting…
Play the Hidden Spirits game online and help solve the haunted mysteries of Royal Mangnall Hotel.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Bruno's Topic: David Getta

If you didn't pay attention to Bruno during his speech, you can learn about David Getta listening to his productions or entering his webpage:
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Science Project: Maths Problems?

Problems with operations and measures? Try this BBC link to learn and play games about maths!
And if these are too easy for you, try this one onstead!
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Science Project II: Rules

How well do you know laboratory safety signs? Take this brief quiz to see if you can recognize the safety resources in the lab. The focus of this quiz is on signs that can help you in emergencies. You may wish to review the lab safety signs before starting. Are you ready? Good luck!
Q: This is a simple sign, but what does it mean?

Click here to select your answer.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
BBC Science Series: Frozen Planet
Years in the making and narrated by David Attenborough this brand BBC new series reveals a world as alien to most of us as the surface of the moon. These are places of breathtaking beauty and survival against all the odds, lonely lands that feed our imagination and whose wonders we may be witnessing for the last time.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Research on Stem Cell

Thanks to Cagle Post and Class Brain you can learn about news in a funny way.
Do you remember this topic from last year in your science class?
"Reversing the precedents set during the Bush years, President Obama has freed up scientific inquiries into stem cell research. Scientists have been frustrated through the past decade by former President Bush's stance that despite the great promise shown by stem cell research, only 60 stem cell lines were to be used for research, since they had already been created. Who would get to use the lines, and how many experiments could they run with the small amounts of genetic material available?
Some of the most promising research with stem cells has been related to Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries. Now that the moratorium has been lifted, substantial progress may be seen in these particular fields.
Now some questions to think:
• Do you think that stem cell research should be allowed to progress, or do you think the moratorium should continue?
• Do you think that the moratorium on Stem Cell Research was influenced by former President Bush's religious background?
•If you were President, would you ban or allow stem cell research during your term in office?
•How real are the fears of human cloning?
If you want to know more about this topic click on the link above.
Learning Links for Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Information Source: The National Institutes of Health
Learn Genetics - Stem Cells Source: University of Utah
Frequently Asked Questions Source:International Society For Stem Cell Research
Therapeutic Uses Of Stem Cells For Spinal Cord Injuries: A New Hope Source: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Science Project: Measure II

Again more information to measure things with Johnnie's Maths Page a really good guide to the best interactive maths tools not only about measure but also about geometry, algebra,statistics, probability...

Friday, 7 October 2011
Science Project: Measures

If you are getting into how to measure things try this page and make the metric pyramid to help you.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Sleepy Teenagers

Again VOA gives us the chance to practice our listening skill. You can listen to the article before reading and try to answer a comprehension test on its website.
Half of American teenagers don’t get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of 60- 90 minutes less than they need, experts say.
One problem is biology. Teens are programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups, but many schools start classes as early as 7:00 a.m.
Many students go to class feeling tired. One student, Danny, says that getting up in the morning is terrible. He feels tired. During his first classes of the day, it’s difficult to stay awake.
Michael Breus is a psychologist. He’s an expert in sleep problems. He says that teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep a night. He feels that sleepy teens can become depressed. This can also affect their ability in sports and driving. Michael Breus says a tired driver, especially a tired teenage driver, is dangerous.
What can schools do? Psychologists say schools can start classes later in the morning. Studies show that students’ grades improved by starting classes later.
St. George’s School in Rhode Island wanted to try this. They started classes just thirty minutes later.
Visits to the health center by tired students decreased by half. Late arrivals to first period decreased by one/third. Students felt less sleepy during the day. The teachers also noticed that students were happier and more awake.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Irregular Verbs

Problems with the irregular verbs?
Perhaps you need some help. Why don't you have a look on this list? If you click on each infinitive form you'll get an image and some examples of its use.
And you can solve some doubts about those verbs easily confused.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Crisis in Spain = Learning English
Spain is in a recession. More than one in five Spaniards don’t have jobs. Spain’s unemployment is the highest of the seventeen countries that use the Euro. However, one part of the economy is doing well in Spain – English classes.
The EF Education First Company said Spain is a “low proficiency” country in English. Spain is below Italy and a little above Taiwan.
A fifth of the world speaks Spanish. There are many Spanish language TV shows and movies. Spaniards can also watch Hollywood movies dubbed in Spanish. They can watch news from Latin AmericaRichard Vaughan is one of the few English voices on Spanish TV.
“Hello and welcome back to another half-hour segment of Cloverdale’s Corner. Today is Tuesday, and Lourdes has had to leave, but we still have four people here . . .”
Richard Vaughan is from Texas. For thirty-five years, he’s lived in Spain. He owns that country’s biggest English teaching company. His company has its own TV channel. “Aprende Ingles” – Learn English – is Spain’s only national channel in English. People watch his channel and take his classes to get a better job.
“People don’t learn English here for cultural reasons. Some do. But the motive is always, 99% of the time, professional.”
Go on reading with VOA and practice on this topic using some flash gadgets on vocabulary and general comprehension as you can see on the picture.
And if you are brave enough, try to listen before reading.
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Amy Winehouse's Tribute

'Tributes to the late singer Amy Winehouse are still being paid by artists, friends and family around the world.
The Back To Black star was found dead at her north London home on Saturday 23rd July.
The Brit and Grammy award winner had struggled with drink and drug addiction in recent years and had latterly spent time in rehab.'
Go on reading about other artist tribute on BBC news.
Now lets work on listening with this worksheet and the audio below.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Reading on-line
This is one of the tittles you can find on manolosanctis' page, enter and select some other to enjoy reading!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Dr Grammar

Reparing some lost audios in some old posts I've found this suggestion form a very good ex-student.
Dr Grammar can help you to improve your writing skills.
Thanks Iria
Friday, 16 September 2011
Hugs and High-Fives

Do you know who these men are?
Do you know what they are doing? and why?
Learn about what happened in UK after this photo and revise your language reading and listening with this worksheet.
(If this audio player doesn't work, click here)
Thursday, 15 September 2011
English Culture Quiz
Saturday, 10 September 2011
My StoryMaker

Would you like to be the main character of your own story?
Enter My StoryMaker and you will choose your story’s characters, setting and certain objects. You can start by writing your name, then choose your main character, the general theme of story (love, making friends, travel…) and a third variable (who the main character falls in love with, what the main character wants to find, etc.). This is usually a lot of fun for you and moreover you'll be learning at the same time.
Enter and write your story!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
New Year, New Activities

This year we are starting with a bit of laugh. Let's see how much you understand from this funny chapter of Friends, a popular serie..., you remember them,don't you? if not try this character info from their official page.
So open your earrrrsss and answer the questions on this worksheet to hand in.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
The First 4th of July

Today in our last class with Jessica we learnt a lot about the history of this special date for US. Liberty's Kids is an exciting new animated television series that brings to life the remarkable characters, events and issues at the heart of the American Revolutionary War and the founding of the United States.

Did you know that some people wanted George Washington to be the King of America, not the President?
Did you know that Paul Revere wasn't the only person who rode out to let everyone know that the British were coming?
Liberty's Kids will let you in on the real stories of the American Revolution and introduce you to some heroes you probably have never even heard of.
You'll meet George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Benedict Arnold, John Adams, Abigail Adams, John Paul Jones and many more famous people. When you do meet them, you'll also see that the things they did were often dangerous, and they failed as often as they succeeded. However, the people behind the American Revolution never gave up. That went for the generals as well as the soldiers and the farmers, women and children who supported them with food, care and love.
Have a look on both videos and try some useful and funny tasks with
Behind the scenes
Meet the cast
US now and then
Liberty News
Pick a game
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Reading Inspires Kids!
'A noun is a person, place or thing. A verb is an action word...Max, something to share the class? Come on! Thanks.'
'How tired I am of this unbearable distance between us. How I long for the toll of the recess bell. Have you forgotten me? Grown mindless of me? Tell me I am not riding into an abyss. Or that is what will become all my heart.'
Every year I cannot avoid showing you this video, only a good reader could write this. Inspiring, isn't it?
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
London Icons

I've just discovered this so-called Londonist logo. This intricate design from Nick Patchitt of Nick Prints does contain a selection of London icons. Everything from the boat race to Del Boy’s van, and The Clash (twice). See how many you can pick out and, more importantly, what’s missing?
Thursday, 17 March 2011
St Patrick' Day

Well now St. Patrick's Day wouldn't exist if not for the man himself! But how much do we know about him? Did you know that he spent six years of slavery in Ireland until he escaped and undertook religious training abroad? Read more about this great man or if you prefer watch a video about him!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Human Planet
Uniquely in the animal kingdom, humans have managed to adapt and thrive in every environment on Earth. Each episode takes you to the extremes of our planet: the arctic, mountains, oceans, jungles, grasslands, deserts, rivers and even the urban jungle. Here you will meet people who survive by building complex, exciting and often mutually beneficial relationships with their animal neighbours and the hostile elements of the natural world.
Human Planet crews have filmed in around 80 locations, bringing you many stories that have never been told on television before. The team has trekked with HD cameras and state of the art gear to film from the air, from the ground and underwater. The result: a "cinematic experience" created by world-class natural history and documentary camera crews and programme makers.
If you want to see some more videos like this, subscribe BBC Human Planet Explorer
Monday, 21 February 2011
Mardi Gras

Today, Mardi Gras is a riot of colour, street carnivals, marching bands, dancing and all-night partying in the streets. Many people dress up in spectacular costumes and wear beautiful masks. The biggest Mardis Gras carnivals are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Thousands of people from all over the world visit these cities to join in the fun. Venice is home to one of the oldest carnivals in the world, called Carnevale di Venezia. This dates back to 1268. Thousands of mask-wearing revelers fill the Venetian streets and attend special masked balls. In Sydney, Australia, Mardis Gras is celebrated by the city’s gay and lesbian community with street parades and costumes.
Follow the link above to practise what you have read or enjoy other links below:
BBC Programma about Notting Hill Carnival
The Official Notting Hill Carnival Website
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Mardi Gras History
Monday, 7 February 2011
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Save the Frogs!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Would you know to know more about the most influencial people around the world?
Monday, 31 January 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Martin Luther King's Life

Monday, 24 January 2011
Sunday, 23 January 2011
The Girl Who Hated Books
This animated short about literacy introduces us to Meena, a young girl who hates books even though her parents love to read. Books are everywhere in Meena's house, in cupboards, drawers and even piled up on the stairs. Still, she refuses to even open one up. But when her cat Max accidentally knocks down a huge stack, pandemonium ensues and nothing is ever the same again... Part of the Talespinners collection for kids, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
Thanks to ONF NFB and to Biblioríos
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Heroes of Troy
The Greeks arrive in Troy to demand the return of Helen...or else!
The Greeks invade and fight their way up the beach towards the walls of Troy.
Achilles takes a break from the fighting - bad news for the Greeks.
A dark day for the Trojans when Hector is slain by Achilles.
Odysseus has a plan to end the war - a wooden horse!
The wooden horse goes into action...and the ancient story ends...

Monday, 10 January 2011
The Tube

The London Underground - also fondly known as 'the tube' - isn't really a place where you meet new friends and interesting people. Of course, thousands of interesting people travel on the tube every day, but as strangers don't speak to each other on the tube, it's highly unlikely that we'll ever meet them.
So why aren't people friendly on the tube? We went out to a nearby tube station to get some answers.
Before you listen to the programme, have a look at these comprehension questions. You'll hear the answers during the programme.
1: What do passengers often do to help pass their time on the tube?
2: Why is it difficult to hear and be heard on the tube?
3: What type of person is 'a weirdo'?
4: What did Steve offer the other passengers on his tube train?
Vocabulary from the programme
the tube
the London public transport system which consists of trains that run on tracks under the streets of London
people who are visiting a country
people who pay to use a form of transport
people who we don't know can be referred to as 'strangers'
a small piece of confectionery made with sugar or sweet chocolate (known as 'candies' in American English)
to fancy
to have the feeling of wanting, liking or wanting to have something or someone, e.g. I really fancy some chocolate.
a jingle
a short, memorable tune that is used to advertise a product
nervous, worried and uncomfortable about what other people might think
a station or place where people get on or off a train or bus
Londonlife friendliness on tube by begonals
Try the comprehension questions.