Saturday, 31 May 2014

Charlotte's Web

Include my code as teacher in order to get your mark.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Reading for Fun and Learning

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As you can see on the left column there is an app where you can find a lot of magazines to read real English. Although they were written for English learners as a second language, surely you can find a lot of interesting articles about fashion, sport, music, film and many others.

Here I show you one to read and enjoy!

And if you want to do something more, fill in the test:

Describing People

Remember to include my code to get your mark.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Visit Britain: Glasgow

Don't forget to include my code, begonals, at the ende of the test so that I can see how you did.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

10 Common Expressions in English

Don't forget to include my code, begonals, to mark your work.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Solar System Quiz

During this month you have seen a wonderful eshibition about our Solar System but can you answer some questions about it?

Include my code at the end of the test to get your mark.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014



With Roman origins, Viking successes, a stunning Norman Cathedral, and its Georgian gorgeousness, a visit to York is a journey through layers of history. 
“The extraordinary thing about York is that it’s like an enormous trifle,” said British TV presenter and author Tony Robinson on a visit to the city for Channel 4’s Time Team archeology programme. “Wherever you dig, you discover amazing layers of history. You can find the jelly of the Vikings, the sponge of the Middle Ages and the maraschino cherry of the Romans!”

Continue reading at Britain-Magazine.

Monday, 19 May 2014

1st ESO Class Blog

This is the new blog where you can post your work... 
if you have sent me your address, you'll get the invitation to work in!

Sunday, 18 May 2014

British Recipes: Triffle


For the base
For the custard
For the topping

Preparation method

  1. Put the fruit into a saucepan, add the sugar, then cook gently until the sugar has dissolved and the liquid is slightly syrupy. Remove half of the berries and juice to a bowl, stir in a tablespoon of cassis, then set aside to cool.
  2. Add the apple juice to the fruit in the pan, and bring to a simmer. Taste the fruit, and add a little more sugar if necessary. Remove from the heat, and add the remaining cassis.
  3. Soak the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water for five minutes, until soft and floppy. Lift the gelatin from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid.
  4. Add the gelatine to the fruit in the pan and stir until it has completely dissolved. Remove from the heat, and transfer the jelly mix to a bowl. Allow to cool, then chill in the fridge until the mix has set to a softly wobbling jelly.
  5. Cut the madeira cake into 1cm/½in slices. Give the fruity jelly a stir - it should be softly set. Layer the cake, jelly, fruit and juice in the bottom of a trifle dish (roughly 20cm/8in diameter).
  6. For the custard layer, put the mascarpone into a large bowl then add the custard. Whisk together until creamy and smooth. Spoon the custard over the fruit and sponge.
  7. Whip the cream until soft peaks form when you remove the whisk from the mixture.
  8. Spoon the cream over the top of the trifle, starting from the outside and working in. This will avoid the cream sinking into the custard.
  9. Chill the trifle for an hour before serving.
  10. Finish with a scattering of toasted almonds.

Friday, 16 May 2014


Canterbury film trailer English from Michael Jaques on Vimeo.

Visiting the official tourist website you can experience Canterbury's history and heritage, see its stunning architecture and world famous buildings. Imagine a day out in Canterbury UK and visit the magnificent Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury tourism has the perfect blend of citycoast and countryside, ensuring that however varied your interests are you will be spoilt for choice. Come and enjoy its beautiful coastline and countryside and its breathtaking heritage and culture. After all, Canterbury is simply inspirational.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Schools in Britain


Remember to add my teacher's code to let me see your mark.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Game: Beat the Keeper

Are you a football fan? Try this game to see how many words about football you know. Can you beat the goalkeeper? Select your level and...Good Luck!

Vía British Council

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Snow White and The Huntsman

Remember to include your name, group and my teacher code.