Modals are special verbs which behave very irregularly in English. Englishpage.com has created one of the most in-depth modal tutorials in print or online. Study the modal explanations and complete the associated exercises and take another step toward English fluency. If you want to use the Modal Verb Tutorial as a reference only and do not want to complete the tutorial Click Here .
Modal Exercise 1 Can , Could , Have to , Must , Might and Should
Modal Exercise 2 Have to and Must
Modal Exercise 3 Might , Must and Should . Afterwards, you can repeat the exercise using Could , Have to and Ought to
Modal Exercise 4 Couldn't and Might not
Modal Exercise 5 Have got to , Had Better , May and Shall
Modal Exercise 6 Could , Might , Should and Would
Modal Exercise 7 Modal Verbs Forms
Modal Final Test Cumulative Modal Test
If you want to have a revision of each modal expressión enter Englishpage and click on every form.
BUT remember:
Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. Here are some important differences:
1. Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person.
•He can speak Chinese.
•She should be here by 9:00.
2. You use "not" to make modal verbs negative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past.
•He should not be late.
•They might not come to the party.
3. Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses.
•He will can go with us. Not Correct
•She musted study very hard. Not Correct
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