© Cam Cardow of The Ottawa Citizen 2007
Gillian Gibbons Arrested in Sudan For Naming Teddy Bear Mohammed
In November 2007, a UK teacher working in a school in the Sudan was arrested for blasphemy after complaints were filed over her naming a school teddy bear Mohammed. Ms. Gibbons had her students choose a name for the class bear in September and it appeared everything was fine until she was arrested towards the end of September. Apparently some parents had taken offense to the name and had complained to Sudan's Ministry of Education. Her punishment could have resulted in 40 lashes, imprisonment, or a fine.
After many group intervened on her behalf, Ms Gibbons was spared the lash but was given 15 days in jail by the judge. A costly price for an innocent mistake based in cultural differences. However, the Sudanese President, Omar al-Bashir, pardoned her, allowing her to leave jail 9 days early.
Questions to Ponder
1.- Did the punishment fit the crime in your estimation?
2.- Is there some way to review the cultural differences of a country before you visit so that you do not offend the local population or step into a situation like Ms. Gibbons?
3.- Is it the travelers responsibility to learn about cultural taboos prior to arriving in a new country, or the country's responsibility to inform travelers of potential cultural land mines in an orientation upon arrival?
4.- Should ignorance of a law ever be a valid defense?
Links to read and learn:
Times on line
USA Today
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